Sarah Woodward Hypnotherapy

Finding Ways To Give Back

Before qualifying as a clinical hypnotherapist I knew I wanted to help others as much as possible. After qualifying and setting up my practice, I started looking for ways I could give to my community while still being fair to myself, my family and my fledgling hypnotherapy practice.  How could I fit volunteering in to…

Are You Driving Forward or Looking Back?

Think for a moment, where do you focus your thought energy?  Are you looking at the road in front or backwards at what’s already behind you?  You wouldn’t drive your car looking only at what’s in the rear view mirror rather than the road ahead, that would spell disaster- most likely within seconds of starting your…

Anxiety In Children, Coping Better In Lockdown

Let’s face it – It’s a bit tricky at the moment isn’t it?  Dining tables and bedrooms have morphed into work desks and classrooms, our old weekday routines have been flung out of the window as we yet again find ourselves weeks in to another lockdown. The kids are frustrated, trying to learn in a…